

  • 1.青岛西海岸新区中心医院,青岛 266555;
    2.北京大学城市与环境学院,北京 100871
第一作者 Tel:15092406772; E-mail:519710070@qq.com
*Tel:13001131500; E-mail:z13001131500@163.com

修回日期: 2021-09-18

  网络出版日期: 2024-06-24

Proteomics and its research progress in diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma

  • 1. Qingdao West Coast New Area Central Hospital, Qingdao 266555, China;
    2. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China

Revised date: 2021-09-18

  Online published: 2024-06-24




郑鑫, 郑天宇 . 蛋白质组学及其在肝癌诊疗中的研究进展[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2022 , 42(2) : 179 -186 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2022.02.01


Proteomics is a new discipline that studies on all the protein components and their functions in a particular type of cell, tissue or body fluid on a large scale. Its target cells are all proteins expressed in cells or organs, and the proteins are separated, identified and analyzed by gel electrophoresis, bio-mass spectrometry and bioinformatics. Hepatocellular carcinoma is one of the most malignant tumors in the world. Using proteomics technology can understand the occurrence and development of liver cancer and bring value in diagnosis and treatment. This article will explain the concept and major technologies of proteomics, introduce the significance of proteomics in the study of liver cancer, and expound the important application of proteomics in the early diagnosis of liver cancer, selection of screening markers and selection of drug targets. With the gradual improvement of proteomics and the rapid development of modern biotechnology, this technology will play a more significant role in the life sciences such as liver cancer.


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