Standard Deliberation

Application of two reference substances for determination of multiple components method for the determination of 5 components in Baizi Yangxin pills*

  • 1. Jiangxi Institute for Drug Control,NMPA Key Laboratory of Quality Evaluation of Traditional Chinese Patent Medicine,Jiangxi Province Engineering Research Center for Drug and Medical Device Quality,Nanchang 330029,China;
    2. Jiangxi Provincial Drug Administration,Nanchang 330029,China;
    3. National Institutes for Food and Drug Control,Beijing 100050,China

Received date: 2020-06-08

  Online published: 2024-05-31


Objective: To establish a two reference substances for determination of multiple components method (TRSDMC) for the determination of five components(ferulic acid,cinnamaldehyde,schizandrin,schisandrin A, and γ-schizandrin B) of Baizi Yangxin pills,and to verify the accuracy and feasibility of the method in the quality evaluation of Baizi Yangxin pills. Methods: HPLC method was used with acetonitrile as mobile phase A and 0.1% acetic acid solution as mobile phase B in gradient elution mode(0-70 min,20%A;70-85 min,20%A → 80%A), and the flow rate was 1 mL·min-1;the detection wavelength was 335 nm(0-31 min) for ferulic acid,285 nm (31-52.5 min) for cinnamaldehyde,and 215 nm(52.5-85 min) for schizandrin,schisandrin A and γ-schizandrin B;the column temperature was 35 ℃. The actual retention time of five components in Baiziyangxin pills was determined on six different types of C18 chromatographic columns. The average retention time of each component in each column was calculated to obtain the standard retention time of each component. Ferulic acid(peak 1) and schisandrin B(peak 5) were selected as the reference substances for the determination. The chromatographic peaks of each component were accurately located by linear calibration using two reference substances,and the position of each component in unknown chromatographic column could be predicted in the same method. The methodology was validated. Taking ferulic acid as reference,the content of each component was determinated. At the same time,the contents of cinnamaldehyde,schizandrin and schisandrin A in Baizi Yangxin pills were determined by external standard method,and the contents obtained by TRSDMC and external standard method were compared to verify the scientificity and feasibility of TRSDMC. Results: The linear calibration using two reference substances can accurately predict the retention time of the tested components on the unknown column. The relative correction factors of ferulic acid and cinnamaldehyde,schizandrin,schisandrin A,and γ-schizandrin B were 0.264 4, 0.406 2,0.377 2 and 0.399 4,respectively. With RSD values less than 2%,there was no significant difference between the contents obtained by TRSDMC and external standard method for each component. Conclusion: TRSDMC for simultaneous determination of 5 components in Baizi Yangxin pills is feasible and accurate.

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WAN Lin-chun, ZHAO Wen, XU Yan, WANG Xin-hua, HONG Yan, YU Jian-dong, ZHONG Rui-jian . Application of two reference substances for determination of multiple components method for the determination of 5 components in Baizi Yangxin pills*[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2021 , 41(1) : 138 -146 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2021.01.17


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