Ingredient Analysis

Comparative study on chemical components of the first-cut velvet antler and reborn velvet antler based on principal component analysis and discriminant analysis*

  • 1. Institute of Special Animal and Plant Sciences, China Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun 130112, China;
    2. College of Chinese Medicinal Materials, Jilin Agricultural University, Changchun 130118, China;
    3. Deer Product Quality Supervision and Testing Center of Jinlin Province, Changchun 130600, China

Received date: 2020-06-30

  Online published: 2024-05-31


Objective:To study the differences in chemical constituents between the first-cut velvet antler and the reborn velvet antler,evaluate the quality and distinguish the first-cut velvet antler and reborn velvet antler. Methods:A variety of analytical techniques were used to determine and compare the polysaccharides,crude protein,collagen,chondroitin sulfate,amino acids,fatty acids,mineral elements,biogenic amines and nucleosides in the first-cut velvet antler and reborn velvet antler,and SPSS were used for principal component analysis and discriminant analysis. Results:The results of 5 batches of samples showed that the contents of polysaccharide, crude protein,amino acid,collagen,fatty acid,mineral element,biogenic amine,nucleoside and chondroitin sulfate in the first-cut velvet antler were 8.14 g·kg-1,563.42 g·kg-1,214.95 g·kg-1,9.10 g·kg-1,485.75 g·kg-1,13.01 g·kg-1,108.30 g·kg-1,201.64 mg·kg-1 and 2.47 g·kg-1,respectively;the contents in reborn velvet antler were 8.43 g·kg-1,561.15 g·kg-1,204.92 g·kg-1,7.69 g·kg-1,503.36 g·kg-1,11.64 g·kg-1,101.37 g·kg-1,208.03 mg·kg-1 and 2.17 g·kg-1,respectively. Conclusion:The results of principal component analysis with 9 chemical components as variables showed that the scores of first-cut velvet antler were higher than those of the reborn velvet antler. The discriminant analysis could classify the first-cut velvet antler and reborn velvet antler. This study provides a reference for the establishment of quality standards system of the first-cut velvet antler and reborn velvet antler in the future.

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LIU Song-xin, GONG Rui-ze, WANG Ze-shuai, BI Xiao-dong, LU Si, SUN Yin-shi . Comparative study on chemical components of the first-cut velvet antler and reborn velvet antler based on principal component analysis and discriminant analysis*[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2021 , 41(2) : 236 -243 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2021.02.07


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