Objective: To compare the regulatory effects of authentic and counterfeit Arnebiae Radix on intestinal flora in mice based on metagenomic sequencing. Methods: Firstly, 24 clean grade female BLAB/C mice were randomly divided into 3 groups:blank control group, A1 (Arnebia euchroma) group and A2 (Arnebiae Radix whose origins were not included in Chinese Pharmacopoeia) group. After gavage arrived at the specified time, colon contents (feces), ileal contents (feces) and small intestinal contents (feces, except ileal parts) were extracted for intestinal flora analysis. Genomic DNA was extracted and amplified by PCR from the extracted mouse intestinal contents. The PCR products were mixed and purified. Then library was constructed and sequenced. After quality control of sequencing data and removal of chimera sequence, the final effective data was obtained. Operational taxonomic unit(OTU) clustering and species annotation were performed on the obtained valid data, and sample diversity analysis was conducted. Results: In this study, both A1 (Arnebia euchroma) group and A2 (Arnebiae Radix non-pharmacopoeia) group reduced the diversity of mice colon microbiota. At the phylum level, group A1 significantly increased the abundance of Firmicutes in the small intestine and ileum, and groups A1 and A2 significantly increased the relative abundance of Bacteroidetes in the colon. At the genus level, group A1 significantly increased the relative abundance of Lactobacillus in the small intestine of mice, and group A2 significantly increased the relative abundance of Lactobacillus in the ileum of mice. Group A1 increased the relative abundance of Lactobacillus, one of the dominant bacteria in the colon of mice, and group A2 increased the relative abundance of Bacteroides. Alistipes mainly existed in the colon, A2 group significantly reduced the relative abundance of Alistipes in the colon of mice, while Alistipes in the A1 group was cultivated. Conclusion: According to the results of the regulation effect of intestinal flora, the intestinal flora regulation effect in the two experimental groups of the authentic Arnebiae Radix and its confusion products from markets are not consistent, the results of this study can provide a theoretical basis for further exploring the mechanism of Arnebiae Radix.
LIU Jie, DAI Sheng-yun, GU Hai-yuan, QIAO Fei, LIAN Chao-jie, GUO Li-nong, ZHENG Jian, MA Shuang-cheng, JIN Xiao-min
. The comparative study on the regulation effect of authentic and counterfeit Arnebiae Radix on intestinal flora in mice*[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2024
, 44(5)
: 772
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2024.05.05
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