Rapid Analysis

Establishment and application of a rapid authentication test method based on enzymatic recombinase amplification technology for the identification of Gastrodiae Rhizoma*

  • 1. School of Medical Technology, Beihua Universsity, Jilin 132013, China;
    2. Innovation Center for Detection on DNA Fingerprint of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jilin 132013, China;
    3. Jilin Guoan Pharmaceutical Limited Company, Jilin 132013, China

Received date: 2023-07-14

  Online published: 2024-06-20


Objective: To establish a method for the rapid identification of the authenticity of Gastrodiae Rhizoma herbs based on enzymatic recombinase amplification (ERA) technique. Methods: Following the principle of ERA primer design, Oligo 7.0 software was applied to screen and optimize the ERA-specific primers of Tianma based on the ITS2 genome sequences of Gastrodia elata and its common artifacts. Primer Premier 5.0 software was applied to design the specific PCR primers for the identification of Gastrodia elata, and through the optimization of ERA and PCR reaction system, the optimal reaction time for ERA was finally determined to be 17 min, the optimal reaction temperature was 40 ℃, the optimal annealing temperature for PCR was 57 ℃, and the cycle was 32 times, and the established method was verified for sensitivity and specificity, and the samples of asparagus available in the traditional Chinese medicine The sensitivity and specificity of the established method were verified, and the commercially available asparagus samples in the market were selected for testing. Results: The designed primers for the specific identification of ERA in Gastrodia elata did not cross-react with its common forgeries, and the specificity was good, a repeatability results showed that the three repeatability tests were consistent, with no false positives or false negatives; the sensitivity of this method for Gastrodia elata genomic DNA was 1 pg·μL-1, which was higher than that of conventional PCR; the ERA technique can be used for the rapid identification of commercially available samples of Gastrodia elata and the results of the assay are the same as those of the PCR method. Conclusion: The established detection method is simple, rapid, with high specificity and sensitivity, and provides a new means for the authentication of the Gastrodiae Rhizoma.

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MA Qiu-he, MA Yu-he, LI Tao, LIU Yue, CHAI Jin-jun, XU Zi-qiang, LIU Ang, GAO Li-jun, XIA Wei, LI Ming-cheng, QU Yong-mei . Establishment and application of a rapid authentication test method based on enzymatic recombinase amplification technology for the identification of Gastrodiae Rhizoma*[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2024 , 44(4) : 729 -736 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2024.04.20


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