Safety Monitoring

Study on application application of gas detector tubes in medical gases*

  • Guangdong Institute for Drug Control, CFDA Key Laboratory of Quality Control and Evaluation of Pharmaceutical Excipients, Guangzhou 510663, China

Received date: 2023-08-15

  Online published: 2024-06-21


Objective: To establish a method for determination of gas impurities in medical gases. Methods: The study introduced the principle and measurement system of gas detector tubes, and researched on the accuracy, precision and influence factors. The method was applied to the detection of gas impurities in medicinal gases. Results: The test results showed that the compressed gas detection tubes produced by manufacturer A and manufacturer B were greatly affected by the pressure. The compressed gas detection tubes produced by manufacturer A and manufacturer C and the ambient gas detection tubes of all manufacturers were greatly affected by the flow rate. All the gas detection tubes were affected by the measurement time. Both ambient temperature and humidity can affect the detection of H2O detection tube, and ambient humidity also has an impact on the CO2 ambient gas detection tube produced by manufacturer B. The difference between different manufacturers' detection tubes was indistinct under the same testing conditions. The compressed gas detection tubes can accurately measure the gas impurity content under the continuous flow measurement system, while some ambient gas detection tubes can not accurately measure. The impurity interference was different for the detection tubes with different principles. It is suggested that the influencing factors should be paid attention to when the gas detection tubes are used, and the appropriate detection tubes and method should be selected. Conclusion: The gas detector tubes can be used in the detection of medical gases with good accuracy and precision. This study provides references for the detection of impurities in medical gases.

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YE Xiu-jin, WANG Cai-mei, WANG miao, HU Shu-jun, CHEN Ying . Study on application application of gas detector tubes in medical gases*[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2024 , 44(3) : 475 -481 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2024.03.13


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