Objective: To establish an HPLC characteristic chromatogram and quantitative analysis of multi-components by single-marker(QAMS)method for determining ten components (neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid, rutin, isoquercitrin, isochlorogenic acid B, isochlorogenic acid A, isochlorogenic acid C, tussilagone and 7β-(3-ethyl-ciscrotonoyloxy)-1α-(2-methylbutyryloxy)-3(14)-dehydro-Z-notonipetranone) in Farfarae Flos and honeyed Farfarae Flos. And to validate the accuracy of the method. Methods: The analysis was performed on a C18 column (250 mm ×4.6 mm, 5 μm)with gradient elution of acetonitrile (A)-0.1% phosphoric acid(B) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL·min-1. Variable wavelengths were set during different time periods (0-15 min, 330 nm; 15-20 min, 254 nm; 20-30 min, 330 nm; 30-45 min, 220 nm). Rutin was used as reference substance.The relative correction factors(RCFs)of neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid, isoquercitrin, isochlorogenic acid B, isochlorogenic acid A, isochlorogenic acid C, tussilagone and 7β-(3-ethyl-ciscrotonoyloxy)-1α-(2-methylbutyryloxy)-3(14)-dehydro-Z-notonipetranone to rutin were established.The RCFs were used to calculate the corresponding ingredients and achieve QAMS. Meanwhile, the ten components in Farfarae Flos and honeyed Farfarae Flos were determined by external standard method(ESM). The difference between the QAMS and ESM was compared to verify the accuracy and feasibility of the method. Results: HPLC characteristic chromatograms of Farfarae Flos and honeyed Farfarae Flos were established and 14 characteristic peaks were marked.The similarities of chromatograms of 62 batches of samples were above 0.90. RCFs of neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid, isoquercitrin, isochlorogenic acid B, isochlorogenic acid A, isochlorogenic acid C, tussilagone and 7β-(3-ethyl-ciscrotonoyloxy)-1α-(2-methylbutyryloxy)-3(14)-dehydro-Z-notonipetranone to rutin were 0.694, 0.690, 0.876, 0.744, 0.585, 0.529, 0.571, 0.896 and 1.778, respectively, and repeatability was good under different experimental conditions (RSD<5.0%). There was no significant difference between the quantitative results of the two methods. Conclusion: The established HPLC characteristic chromatograms and QAMS method can improve the quality control of Farfarae Flos and honeyed Farfarae Flos.
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