Objective: To establish a near infrared (NIR) quantitative analysis method for testing tanshinone ⅡA content in tanshinone extract based on uncertainty profile. Methods: The near-infrared spectrum of tanshinone extract was collected, and the content of tanshinone ⅡA in tanshinone extract was analyzed by HPLC as a reference method. Partial least squares (PLS) quantitative model between the content of tanshinone ⅡA in tanshinone extract and the near-infrared spectrum was established. The calibration set and calibration test set were divided by K-S (Kennard-Stone) method, and the optimal PLS quantitative regression model was established by comparing different spectral pretreatment methods. The validation information of the NIR analysis method was obtained by the “6×3×3” validation experiments, the uncertainty of the NIR quantitative analysis method was calculated, the uncertainty profile was constructed to evaluate the effectiveness of the NIR method. Results: The quantitative regression model of PLS was established after the 1std data pretreatment method. The trueness and precision of the established NIR quantitative analysis method was good. The effective quantitative range of tanshinone ⅡA content was 2.04%-27.64%, and the analysis results were accurate and effective. Conclusion: The uncertainty profile strategy can provide the validation information and uncertainty information of NIR analysis method at the same time, reduce the risk of using the analysis method, and ensure the accuracy and reliability of NIR analysis results.
XUE Zhong, LIU De-xuan, CAO Chun-qi, XU Bing, WANG Ya-bo, L Tao
. Determination of tanshinone ⅡA content in tanshinone extract by near infrared spectroscopy based on uncertainty profile strategy*[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2023
, 43(12)
: 2147
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2023.12.21
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