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Discussion on the application of chemometrics in chromatographic analysis of traditional Chinese medicine

  • 1. National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, Beijing 102629, China;
    2. Heilongjiang Institute for Drug Control, Haerbin 150088, China

Received date: 2020-11-23

  Online published: 2024-06-21


Chemometrics is an interdisciplinary subject covering many disciplines, which has great advantages in analyzing and processing the massive data generated by chromatographic analysis of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). It can promote the progress of chromatographic analysis of TCM. Starting from the chromatographic techniques commonly used in the analysis of TCM, this paper discusses the application of chemometrics in the design of analytical experiment, the processing of chromatographic data, the extraction of effective data information and the analysis of chromatographic data, in order to provide reference for the further application of chemometrics in the analysis of TCM.

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XIONG Jing, LI Hui-yong, LI Guang-sheng, SHI Yan, HE Lan, WEI Feng, MA Shuang-cheng . Discussion on the application of chemometrics in chromatographic analysis of traditional Chinese medicine[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2021 , 41(10) : 1681 -1689 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2021.10.03


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