Objective: To extract 4,4’-diaminodiphenyl methane (MDA) in hemodialyzer by exhaustive extraction, and to establish an HPLC method for determination of MDA releaseand its allowable limits (AL). Methods: MDA was extracted from hemodialyzer using methanol-water(1∶1) and methanol respectively. The Sun Fire C18(4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm) column was used to determine the optimal detection wavelength with a photo-diode array (PDA) detector. Injection volume was 10 μL and the mobile phase was methanol, phosphate buffer and deionized water. Gradient elution at the flow rate of 1.0 mL·min-1was applied. Column temperature was 40 ℃. Results: For methanol-water(1∶1), the optimal detection wavelength was 242 nm, the calibration curves of MDA had a good linear relationship (r2=0.999 8) in the concentration range of 0-2.03 μg·mL-1. The limit of quantification was 0.081 μg·mL-1, instrument precision and recovery rate were excellent and the result of MDA release was 59.7 μg. For methanol, the optimal detection wavelength was 240 nm, the calibration curves of MDA had a good linear relationship (r2=0.999 7) in the concentration range of 0-2.04 μg·mL-1, the limit of quantification was 0.067 μg·mL-1,the instrument precision was good, but the recovery rate was relatively low.The result of MDA release was 64.1 μg. The AL of MDA release in hemodialyzer was 0.105 mg·d-1. Conclusion: This method is validated for determination of MDA release in hemodialyzer, but methanol-water (1∶1) is not suitable for the exhaustive extraction with low MDA concentration. Methanol extract can be concentrated by nitrogen blowing to complete the exhaustive extraction.
SUN Jin-lu, FANG Jing-yi, WANG Ling-ling, WANG Ying-ying, LI Feng, ZHANG Jing-jing
. Determination of 4,4’-diaminodiphenyl methane released in hemodialyzer and establishment of allowable limits[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2022
, 42(9)
: 1618
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2022.09.15
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