Quality Control

Data fusion method to improve geographical traceability of Fragaria orientalis Lozinsk. whole herb*

  • 1. College of Pharmacy, Southwest Minzu University, Chengdu 610041, China;
    2. Department of Pharmacy, Handan People’s Hospital 056001,China;
    3. Xi’an Dongguan South Street Community Health Service Center, Xi’an 710068, China

Received date: 2021-03-30

  Online published: 2024-06-24


Objective: To combine the data of HPLC and ICP-MS with the single technology data with the pattern recognition method to conduct a geographic tracing study of 96 batches of Fragaria orientalis Lozinsk. from 5 procinces, in order to provide a convenient and effective identification method for the unknown origin of Fragaria orientalis Lozinsk.. Methods: The fingerprint of Fragaria orientalis Lozinsk. was established by HPLC, the components of each chromatographic peak were assigned by LC-MS, and the chromatographic peak information was used as data set 1. ICP-MS was used to determine the contents of 21 inorganic elements in Fragaria orientalis Lozinsk., the logarithm Inorganic element fingerprint map was established by the method, and the inorganic element information was used as data set 2; the fusion of the two data was used as data set 3. Combine CA, PCA, PCA-LDA and C5.0 decision tree algorithms to compare the geographic traceability results of the three data sets. Results: Compared with the data set obtained by a single technique, CA, PCA and PCA-LDA of the data fusion method can correctly classify 96 batches of Fragaria Orientalis Lozinsk.. The PCA-LDA model of the data fusion method was verified internally and externally, and the correct classification rate was greater than 88.3%, The results showed that the model could be used as the correct basis for the classification of Fragaria Orientalis Lozinsk.. The C5.0 decision tree screened out 4 main contributing variables and obtained a classification rule with a tree depth of 3. The 10-fold cross-validation result showed that the average accuracy was 98.9%. Conclusion: The data fusion method can improve the accuracy of the geographical traceability of Orientalis Lozinsk. from different origins, and the classification rules derived from the decision tree algorithm can reduce the difficulty of actual operation. The geographical classification mechanism of Orientalis Lozinsk. based on the data fusion method and decision tree rules provides a new identification basis for the unknown sample origin, with simple operation and high accuracy, which is beneficial to the quality control. This study also provided reference for other medicinal materials.

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ZHANG Xu-chao, DANG Yi-hang, FU Yixuan, GUO Kun, WANG Xiao-ling, WANG Shu, LIU Feng-jie . Data fusion method to improve geographical traceability of Fragaria orientalis Lozinsk. whole herb*[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2022 , 42(5) : 845 -855 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2022.05.14


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