Objective: To determine the absolute content of phillyrin by 1H nuclear magnetic resonance quantitative method(qNMR). Methods: DMSO-d6 and deuterated chloroform (1∶1) were used as the solvent and dimethyl terephthalate (DMT) was used as the internal standard. Through comparing the internal standard peak area of DMT at δ 3.92 and the quantitative peak area of phillyrin at δ 7.06, the absolute content of phillyrin was determined by qNMR. Results: The precision of this method was less than 0.031%, and the linear correlation coefficient was 0.999 9. The content of phillyrinin the sample prepared in our laboratory was within 93.01%-93.32% by qNMR. Conclusion: The NMR quantitative method established in this paper is simple, rapid and accurate, and provides a new method for the determination of phillyrin.
MA Hui-zhong, YANG Hong-tian, WANG He-xin, XIN Xiu-lan, CHEN Liang, LIU Yu-feng, LIU Wen-bao
. Quantitative determination of phillyrin by qNMR*[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2022
, 42(5)
: 913
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2022.05.21
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