Quality Control

Study on the quality evaluation of Huoxiang Zhengqi tincture based on the technology of UPLC- Q TOF MS/MS and omics analysis*

  • 1. Tianjin Institute for Drug and Control, Tianjin 300070, China;
    2. Waters Technologies (Beijing) Ltd, Beijing 100025, China

Received date: 2021-11-12

  Online published: 2024-06-24


Objective: To evaluate the quality of Huoxiang Zhengqi tincture from different manufacturers by high-resolution mass spectrometry and omics analysis technology from the perspective of chemical composition difference. Methods: The MSE data of 54 batches of the samples from 9 manufacturers were collected by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization/quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry(UPLC-Q TOF MS) (positive and negative). The mobile phase was 0.1% formic acid aqueous solution(A)-acetonitrile(B). The column temperature was 40 ℃. The flow rate was 0.4 mL·min-1. Injection volume was 1 μL. The mass range was m/z 50-1 200. The quality of Huoxiang Zhengqi tincture from different manufacturers was evaluated and compared,based on the principal component analysis (PCA) after the numerous rawdata obtained were processed by the omics analysis software. Some components with significant difference among the samples were identified and assigned. The contents of hesperidin, naringin and glycyrrhizic acid in the samples were determined and compared by HPLC-UV. Results: The difference existed significantly among the products from different manufacturers. The content of hesperidin was similar among all the manufacturers, but the content of naringin and glycyrrhizic acid was very low in samples from manufacturer H and manufacturer I compared with those fromother manufacturers. Conclusion: From the perspective of chemical composition, the difference in the quality of Huoxiang Zhengqi tincture from 9 manufacturers is distinguished clearly based on the technology of UPLC-Q TOF MS and PCA. The result of PCA analysis is also verified by HPLC method. It provids the basis for quality control and quality standard improvement of Huoxiang Zhengqi tincture.This technology is helpful to solve the problem of quality evaluation of Chinese patent medicine with multi-component complex systems.

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ZHENG Xin-yuan, WANG Jing, ZHANG Mo, WANG Jing, ZHOU Jun, WANG Jie . Study on the quality evaluation of Huoxiang Zhengqi tincture based on the technology of UPLC- Q TOF MS/MS and omics analysis*[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2022 , 42(7) : 1266 -1277 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2022.07.21


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