Ingredient Analysis

Study on thermal properties of ticagrelor form Ⅱ based on thermal analysis technology

  • 1. Zhejiang Jingxin Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Xinchang 312500, China;
    2. Chemistry Department, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310028, China

Received date: 2022-10-25

  Online published: 2024-06-24


Objective: To study the thermal properties of ticagrelor form Ⅱ. Methods: Thermal properties of ticagrelor form Ⅱ was analyzed by differential scanning calorimetry and hot stage microscopy. Combined with powder X-ray diffraction and optical microscopy, the relationship between the crystal form, crystal habit and thermal properties of ticagrelor form Ⅱ was analyzed. Results: Ticagrelor form Ⅱ had needle-like crystal habit with different aspect ratios, which were manifested as the changes of relative intensities of characteristic peaks on the powder X-ray diffraction pattern. There was a melting transition phenomenon of ticagrelor form Ⅱ in the heating process. Crystal habit, particle size, as well as the heating rate of differential scanning calorimeter had a great influence on the degree of melting transition phenomenon. The double peaks in DSC spectrum could be caused by polymorphic transformation rather than mixed polymorphic crystal when PXRD and other characterization results showed that it was pure ticagrelor form Ⅱ. Conclusion: Through the study of the thermal properties of ticagrelor form Ⅱ, it provides a reasonable explanation for the phenomenon that some DSC patterns of the same drug substance with the same crystal form showed double peaks and some showed single peaks. This study provides more information for the quality control of ticagrelor.

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ZHOU Xin-bo, JIN Zhi-ping, REN Yan, CHEN Lin-shen, ZHU Zhan-gen, HU Xiu-rong . Study on thermal properties of ticagrelor form Ⅱ based on thermal analysis technology[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2023 , 43(9) : 1461 -1467 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2023.09.02


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