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Study on multiple index comprehensive evaluation of the extraction process of Jichuan decoction*

  • 1. Chengdu Integrated TCM&Western Medicine Hospital, Chengdu 610095, China;
    2. Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Sichuan Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Chengdu 610014, China

Received date: 2023-03-16

  Online published: 2024-06-24


Objective: To optimize the extraction process of classical famous prescription of Jichuan Decoction. Methods: HPLC was employed to determine multiple components in Jichuan Decoction. Using contents of echinacea glycoside, isoferulic acid, mullein glycoside, naringin and neohesperidin and yield of dry extract of the above components as comprehensive evaluation indexes, information entropy weighting method was used to determine the objective weight of each index, and orthogonal test was used to investigate effects of solvent dosage, extraction time and times on extraction process. Results: The specificity, linearity, precision, stability, repeatability and sample recovery rate met the requirements, the optimal extraction conditions of Jichuan Decoction was extracted for 3 times with 6 times of water quantity, each for 40 min. The mean of comprehensive evaluation index for 3 batches was 91.94 and the RSD was 1.1%. Conclusion: The optimized extraction process is scientific, stable and feasible, which provides a reference basis for the production of Jichuan Decoction.

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SHI Chong-jing, FENG Jian-an, HUANG Yan, WANG Yu . Study on multiple index comprehensive evaluation of the extraction process of Jichuan decoction*[J]. Chinese Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2023 , 43(9) : 1597 -1602 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2023.09.17


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