
Column on Quality Evaluation Techniques and Methods for Gene Therapy Products(2)
Editor: Shief editor of invited column: SHI Xin-chang

    Gene therapy refers to the method of treating diseases by introducing nucleic acid fragments into cells in an appropriate manner, allowing the genetic information of nucleic acids to function accordingly. Gene therapy products are tools for implementing this method.

    Since the 1990s, gene therapy has developed rapidly. In this century, a number of gene therapy products at home and abroad have been approved for marketing. Among them, seven varieties of recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vector gene therapy products have been approved for marketing worldwide. In the past three years, 26 rAAV products have been approved for clinical trials at home, with indications including ophthalmic diseases, blood system diseases, nervous system diseases and infectious diseases, and serotypes involving 2type, 5type, 8type, 9type and 10type.

    As more and more gene therapy products enter clinical practice, potential safety risks are gradually being exposed. Therefore, regulatory authorities in various countries are accelerating the development of relevant regulations and technical guidelines to guide the research and evaluation of gene therapy products. The 2020 edition Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China, Parts Ⅲ, “General Introduction to Human Gene Therapy Products” and the relevant guiding principles for rAAV gene therapy products issued by the Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) of the National Medical Products Administration, which have put forward principle requirements for quality control. However, given that rAAV is a “live” form of virus, its higher requirements for production and quality control and the current testing method continuously improving are still required, including the durability of the method and the repeatability of the results. Therefore, in order to promote the early application of new concepts, technologies, tools, and standards in the quality control of gene therapy products, a “Gene Therapy Product Quality Evaluation Technology and Methods Column” has been specially established to showcase relevant research progress of quality analysis technology. The column includes 9 articles published in 2 journals. Five papers were published in 2023(11), the others published in column(2) of the jounal with following key contents: 1.Exploration and application of multiple digital PCR in rAAV genome integrity evaluation, explores the quantitative methods for the complete genome of rAAV products. 2.Detection of plasmid DNA residues in rAAV products by digital PCR technology, explores a method of characterizing residue by plasmid DNA copy number. 3.Detection of replication-competent AAV(rcAAV) in rAAV2-ND4 injection by qPCR, explores a method for detecting rcAAV through 2-round culture and qPCR. 4.Sequence analysis of amino acid residues in adeno-associated virus capsid protein of different serotypes, explores the principle of serotypes changes in rAAV products.

    It’s hoped to use the columns to attract the attention of relevant enterprises and research institutions to the quality of rAAV products, continuously to improve the understanding of practitioners in the dimension of rAAV product quality control, to improve inspection and testing capabilities, and to explore and establish corresponding experimental plans to promote the resolution of difficult problems, thereby promoting the construction of China's rAAV gene therapy product quality control system and the improvement of technical specifications, and accelerating the realization of the grand goal of becoming a pharmaceutical powerhouse.