

  • 1.苏州市药品检验检测研究中心,苏州 215104;
    2.苏州市立医院,苏州 215000;
    3.宁夏医科大学,银川 750004
第一作者 张国林 Tel:(0512)66090229;E-mail:zhangguolin2006@163.com
景荣先 Tel:(0512)62362712;E-mail:jingrongxian@163.com

收稿日期: 2020-01-18

  网络出版日期: 2024-05-31


* 苏州市科技发展计划项目(SYS2020199,SYS201425); 江苏省市场监督管理局科技项目(KJ207561)

Progress of next generation sequencing technology and its application and development trend in drug quality control*

  • 1. Suzhou Institute for Drug Control,Suzhou 215104,China;
    2. Suzhou Municipal Hospital,Suzhou 215000,China;
    3. Ningxia Medical University,Yinchuan 750004,China

Received date: 2020-01-18

  Online published: 2024-05-31


基因测序技术的发明和广泛应用促进了医学和生命科学的革命性发展。自以Sanger 测序法和化学降解法为代表的第1 代测序技术发明以来,基因测序技术已发展至第4 代。第1 代测序平台主要为Sanger 测序法和化学降解法,测序长度长,准确性高,但成本高,通量低和耗时长;第2 代测序平台主要有454/GS-FLX 测序平台、SOLID 测序平台、Solexa 测序平台和HiSeq/MiSeq 测序平台及HeliScope 测序平台;以单分子测序技术为基础的第3 代测序平台基于单分子水平的边合成、边测序而无需PCR 扩增,主要包括HeliScope 测序平台和SMRT 测序平台;ONT 纳米孔单分子测序技术是基于电信号而非光信号的测序技术,具有高通量、低成本、耗时短和数据分析相对简单的优点,通常归为第4 代测序平台。测序技术在药品洁净环境控制和中药质量分析方面有着越来越广泛的应用。随着测序技术的进步和生物信息学的发展,测序技术在医学和生命科学中的应用将发挥更大的作用。


张国林, 景荣先, 刘昆梅, 周琴, 郭乐, 邢以文, 薛满 . 新一代测序技术进展及其在药品质量控制中应用和发展趋势*[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2021 , 41(1) : 1 -12 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2021.01.01


Innovation and wide application of gene sequencing technology have significantly promoted the development of medicine and life science. Since Sanger sequencing and chemical degradation were invented as the first generation sequencing technology,gene sequencing technology has been developed into the fourth generation in the past 40 years. The first generation sequencing was based on Sanger sequencing and Maxam-Gilbert method. These methods showed long sequencing length and high accuracy,but with high cost,low throughput and long sequencing time. The main platforms of the second generation sequencing included 454/GS-FLX,SOLID,Solexa, Hiseq/Miseq,and Heliscope platforms. The third generation sequencing platform was based on single molecule level side synthesis and side sequencing without PCR amplification,mainly including Heliscope platform and SMRT platform. ONT nanopore single molecule sequencing technology was based on electrical signal rather than optical signal. This method had the advantages of high throughput,low cost,short time and relatively simple data analysis,which was usually classified as the fourth generation sequencing platform. Sequencing technology is widely used in environment control of drug and quality analysis of traditional Chinese medicine. With the development of sequencing technology and bioinformatics,the application of sequencing technology in medicine and life science will play a more significant role.


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