

  • 1.长春中医药大学,长春 130117;
    2.长春中医药大学附属医院,长春 130021
** Tel:13514412139;E-mail:641538498@qq.com

修回日期: 2020-10-06

  网络出版日期: 2024-05-31


* 吉林省科技发展计划项目(No. 20190304077YY)

Establishment of HPLC fingerprint and content determination method of Ganjianglingzhu decoction *

  • 1. Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Changchun 130117,China;
    2. Affiliated Hospital of Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Changchun 130021,China

Revised date: 2020-10-06

  Online published: 2024-05-31


目的:制备甘姜苓术汤对应实物,建立适用于甘姜苓术汤对应实物 HPLC 含量测定以及指纹图谱方法。方法:依照古籍记载制备甘姜苓术汤对应实物;应用 HPLC 对 15 批对应实物进行有效成分含量测定和指纹图谱建立,流动相为乙腈 -0.05% 磷酸水,梯度洗脱,检测波长 237 nm。结果:建立甘姜苓术汤的HPLC 含量测定和指纹图谱的分析方法,甘草苷、甘草酸、6- 姜辣素的专属性试验中峰分离度均大于 1.5;精密度试验的 RSD 分别为 0.74%、0.65%、0.69%;重复性试验的 RSD 分别为 1.1%、0.86%、0.92%;稳定性试验 RSD 分别为 0.43%、0.78%、3.0%;回收率分别为 99.7%、104.5%、95.1%。在对应实物指纹图谱中以甘草苷峰为参照峰,确定了 15 个共有峰,通过对照品比对,指认出 4 号峰为甘草苷,13 号峰为甘草酸,14 号峰为 6- 姜辣素,对应实物指纹图谱与对照指纹图谱相似度良好,均大于 0.9。15 批物质基准对应实物指标成分甘草苷、甘草酸、6- 姜辣素的平均含量分别为 24.5、35.6、1.6 mg·g -1结论:建立的经典名方甘姜苓术汤指纹图谱及 3 个成分的含量测定方法简便,准确可靠,可用于甘姜苓术汤物质基准的质量控制。


刘鹤, 贺丹彤, 邢春来, 何蕊, 贾艾玲, 杨净尧, 刘睿, 邱智东, 位鸿 . 甘姜苓术汤HPLC指纹图谱及含量测定方法的建立*[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2021 , 41(1) : 42 -50 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2021.01.05


Objective: To prepare the corresponding physical products of Ganjiang Lingshu decoction,in order to establish a method for HPLC content determination and fingerprinting of the corresponding physical products of Ganjiang Lingzhu decoction. Methods: According to the ancient books,Ganjianglingzhu decoction was prepared, the contents of active components and fingerprint of 15 corresponding materials were established by HPLC,the mobile phase was eluted with acetonitrile-0.05% phosphate water gradient,and the detection wavelength was 237 nm. Results: The HPLC content determination and fingerprint analysis method of Ganjiang Lingshu decoction was established. The peak resolutions in the specificity test of glycyrrhizin,glycyrrhizic acid and 6-gingerol were all greater than 1.5;the RSDs of the precision test were 0.74%,0.65%,and 0.69% respectively;the RSDs of the repeatability test were 1.1%,0.86%,0.92%;the RSDs of the stability test were 0.43%,0.78%,and 3.0%;the recoveries were 99.7%,104.5%,and 95.1%,respectively. In the fingerprint of the corresponding physical product,glycyrrhizin was used as the reference peak,and 15 common peaks were determined. By comparison with the reference substance,it was identified that peak 4 was glycyrrhizin,peak 13 was glycyrrhizin, and peak 14 was 6-ginger. The similarity between the corresponding physical fingerprint and the control fingerprint was good,and both were greater than 0.9. The average content of glycyrrhizin,glycyrrhizic acid, and 6-gingerol in 15 batches of material standards was 24.5,35.6,and 1.6 mg·g -1 ,respectively. Conclusion: The established fingerprint of Ganjianglingshu decoction and the content determination method for detecting the three components are simple,accurate and reliable,and can be used for quality control of its material standards.


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