目的:建立高效液相色谱-质谱联用测定人血浆中二甲氨基乙醇(DMAE)浓度的方法。方法:采用 API 3000 型 LC-MS/MS 液质联用仪,Phenomenex Ultimate C18 色谱柱(50 mm×3.0 mm,5 µm),流动相为甲醇-水(80∶20)(含 0.1% 甲酸),流速 0.3 mL·min-1。样品在碱性条件下用乙酸乙酯漩涡萃取,定量转移出乙酸乙酯层后再用 0.1% 的甲酸水溶液反萃,最后取酸性水溶液进样。以 MRM 模式检测,外标法 定量。结果:DMAE 的保留时间为 2.79 min,在 3.125~500 ng·mL-1浓度范围内线性关系良好,定量下限为 3.125 ng·mL-1,日内、日间 RSD 分别小于 4.8% 和 6.0%,方法回收率为 98.7%~101.9%,萃取回收率为 32.5%~34.5%。21 位健康受试者交叉服用 2 种胶囊制剂,在单次口服 300 mg 盐酸甲氯酚酯后,采用本方 法测定血浆中 DMAE 经时浓度,比较 2 种制剂的药代动力学参数并评价其相对生物利用度。试验制剂和 参比制剂的 Cmax 分别为(277.66±107.25)、(266.18±118.37)µg·L-1,AUC0-t 分别为(721.05±172.72)、(736.03±216.90)h·µg·L-1,AUC0-∞分别为(776.17±203.89)、(835.52±269.99)h·µg·L-1,2 种制剂生物等效。结论:本法具有快速、简便、灵敏、准确等特点,适用于血浆中 DMAE 的浓度测定及药代动力学、生物利用度研究。
Objective:To establish an LC-MS/MS method for determination of 2-dimethylaminoethanol(DMAE) in human plasma. Methods:The assay was conducted with an API 3000 LC-MS/MS system consisting of a Phenomenex Ultimate C18 column(50 mm×3.0 mm,5 μm). The mobile phase of methanol-water(80∶20,with 0.1% formic acid)was pumped at 0.3 mL·min-1 through the column. The alkalinized sample was extracted with ethyl acetate vortex,quantitatively transferred out of the organic layer to another tube and was re-extracted by 0.2 mL water(with 0.1% formic acid). The acidic water was finally injected onto the column. Use MRM mode to detect. Results:The retention time of DMAE was 2.79 min. A linearity of DMAE curve was within 3.125-500 ng·mL-1. The lowest concentration of detection in plasma was 3.125 ng·mL-1,the intra-day RSD and the inter-day RSD was less than 4.8% and 6.0% respectively;the method recovery was 98.7%-101.9%;the extract efficiency was 32.5%-34.5%. 21 healthy subjects received single dose of two capsule preparations under a cross-over design. After orally taking 300 mg meclofenoxate hydrochloride,the plasma concentration of DMAE was measured by this method. The main pharmacokinetic parameters were as follows:the Cmax were(277.66±107.25)and(266.18±118.37)µg·L-1,AUC0-t were(721.05±172.72)and(736.03±216.90)h·µg·L-1,AUC0-∞ were(776.17±203.89)and(835.52±269.99)h·µg·L-1. The two capsule preparations were bioequivalence. Conclusion:The method is found to be simple,rapid,sensitive. It is qualified for determination of DMAE in human plasma.
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