
不同生长期穿心莲药材HPLC 指纹图谱及化学模式识别

  • 山东大学第二医院药房, 济南 250000
第一作者: Tel: (0531)88197777;E-mail: 5948330233@qq.com

收稿日期: 2020-05-19

  网络出版日期: 2024-05-31

HPLC Fingerprint and chemical pattern recognition of Andrographis Herba with different growth period

  • The Second Hospital Pharmacy of Shandong University, Jinan 250000, China

Received date: 2020-05-19

  Online published: 2024-05-31


目的: 建立不同生长期穿心莲药材HPLC 指纹图谱, 并结合化学模式识别技术对其进行质量评价。方法: 采用Agilent Eclipse XDB-C18 色谱柱(250 mm×4.6 mm, 5 μm);乙腈-0.2% 磷酸水溶液为流动相, 梯度洗脱;流速1.0 mL·min-1;检测波长225、250 nm。采用中药指纹图谱相似度评价系统建立指纹图谱共有模式和相似度计算, 并采用SPSS22.0 和SIMCA-P14.1 软件建立聚类分析(cluster analysis, CA)、主成分分析(principal component analysis, PCA)和正交偏最小二乘法-判别分析(orthogonal partial least square discriminate analysis, OPLS-DA)模型做统计分析。结果: 建立了穿心莲药材指纹图谱, 共标定17 个共有峰, 经与对照品比对指认出其中4 个化合物。18 批供试品的相似度为0.902~0.997, PCA 分析出不同生长期穿心莲药材最佳采收期为盛花前期;OPLS-DA 将不同生长期穿心莲药材区分, 并筛选5 个差异标记物。结论: HPLC 指纹图谱能够反映穿心莲药材不同生长期的差异, 结合化学模式识别技术, 可为穿心莲药材的采收和质量评价提供参考。


王震 . 不同生长期穿心莲药材HPLC 指纹图谱及化学模式识别[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2021 , 41(3) : 410 -420 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2021.03.05


Objective: To establish an HPLC fingerprint of Andrographis Herba in different growth period, and to evaluate the quality through chemical pattern recognition. Methods: The analysis was performed on Agilent Eclipse XDB-C18(250 mm×4. 6 mm, 5 μm))column with mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile-0. 2% phosphoric acid solution(gradient elution)at a flow rate of 1. 0 mL·min-1. The detection wavelengths were set at 225 and 250 nm. The fingerprint common pattern and similarity calculation were established using traditional Chinese medicine chromatographic fingerprint similarity evaluation system. The cluster analysis(CA), principal component analysis (PCA), and orthogonal partial least square discriminate analysis(OPLS-DA) models were established using SPSS22. 0 and SIMCA-P14. 1 software to perform statistical analysis. Results: HPLC fingerprint of Andrographis Herba was established successfully and 17 common peaks were identified in the study, 4 chemical compounds were identified using standard references. The similarity calculation results were 0. 902~0. 997. PCA showed that the optimum harvesting stage of Andrographis Herba in different growth period was early flowering stage and PLSDA screened out 5 differential markers. Conclusion: The HPLC fingerprint can reflect the differences in different growth period, combining PCA and PLS-DA can provide reference for the harvesting and quality evaluation of Andrographis Herba.


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