
5 个蒽醌三三配伍治疗脑缺血大鼠的药代动力学研究*

  • 1.河南中医药大学, 郑州 450046;
    2.呼吸疾病中医药防治省部共建协同创新中心, 郑州 450046;
    3.郑州市中药质量控制与评价重点实验室, 郑州 450046
第一作者: Tel: 13838057402;E-mail: lirong_tg94@163.com
** Tel: 13526403080;E-mail: fengsx221@163. com

收稿日期: 2020-06-08

  网络出版日期: 2024-05-31


* 河南省中医药大学博士基金科研项目(BSJJ-2016-01)

Pharmacokinetics of five anthraquinones when three of five were compatibly administrated to treat rats with cerebral ischemia*

  • 1. Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450046, China;
    2. Co-construction Collaborative Innovation Center for Chinese Medicine and Respiratory Diseases by Henan & Education Ministry of P. R., Zhengzhou 450046, China;
    3. Zhengzhou Key Laboratory of Chinese Medicine Quality Control and Evaluation, Zhengzhou 450046, China

Received date: 2020-06-08

  Online published: 2024-05-31


目的: 建立 LC-MS 方法测定大鼠血浆中蒽醌成分含量, 探讨5 个大黄蒽醌成分(芦荟大黄素、大黄素、大黄酸、大黄酚、大黄素甲醚)三三配伍时在脑缺血大鼠模型中的药代动力学特征。方法: MCAO 法制备大鼠局灶性脑缺血模型。模型大鼠随机分成11 组, 空白组1 组, 给药组10 组。给药组将5 个大黄蒽醌三三结合, 给药剂量: 芦荟大黄素(A)13. 05 mg·kg-1, 大黄素(B)34. 65 mg·kg-1, 大黄酸(C)17. 25mg·kg-1, 大黄酚(D)39. 45 mg·kg-1, 大黄素甲醚(E)26. 4 mg·kg-1。血浆样品经甲醇沉淀蛋白后, XBridgeTMC18 色谱柱分析, 高分辨质谱检测。流动相为甲醇-3 mmol·L-1 乙酸铵, 梯度洗脱。采用内标法测血药浓度, Kinetica 5. 0 药动学软件以非房室模型计算药代动力学参数。结果: 当与不同的2 个大黄蒽醌联用时, 芦荟大黄素、大黄素、大黄酸、大黄酚和大黄素甲醚的药代动力学参数均存在差异。结论: 本研究为这5 个大黄蒽醌的作用机制研究提供理论基础, 为其临床用药提供了实验参考。


李荣荣, 赵迪, 冯素香, 郝蕊, 李焕茹, 胡雁萍, 刘学芳 . 5 个蒽醌三三配伍治疗脑缺血大鼠的药代动力学研究*[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2021 , 41(3) : 427 -435 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2021.03.07


Objective: To establish a LC-MS method to determine the content of 5 rhubarb anthraquinones in rat plasma and explore their pharmacokinetic characteristics in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion model rats when three kinds of the five anthraquinones were administrated in compatibility. Methods: A MCAO method was developed to establish focal cerebral ischemia rat model. The model rats were randomly divided into 11 groups, a blank group and the other 10 drug administration groups. In the drug administration group, three of five were compatibly administrated to treat rats with cerebral ischemia. Administration dose: aloe-emodin(A)13. 05 mg·kg-1, emodin(B)34. 65 mg·kg-1, rhein(C)17. 25 mg·kg-1, chrysophanol(D)39. 45 mg·kg-1, physcion(E) 26. 4 mg·kg-1. Plasma samples were precipitated with alcohol, analyzed on a XBridgeTMC18 column and detected using high-resolution mass spectrometry. The mobile phase was methanol-3 mmol·L-1 ammonium acetate with gradient elution. And the plasma concentration was measured by internal standard method, and Kinetica 5. 0 pharmacokinetic software was applied to calculate the pharmacokinetic parameters with non-compartmental model. Results: When combined with two different rhubarb anthraquinones, the pharmacokinetic parameters of aloe-emodin, emodin, rhein, chrysophanol and physcion were all discrepant. Conclusion: This study provides a theoretical basis for the research on the mechanism of action of these five rhubarb anthraquinones, and provides an experimental reference for clinical medication.


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