

  • 河南中医药大学 豫药全产业链研发河南省协同创新中心 河南省中药特色炮制技术工程研究中心河南省中药生产一体化工程技术研究中心,郑州 450046
第一作者 Tel:15890609192;E-mail:1290970508@qq.com
** 张振凌 Tel:(0371)65680970;E-mail:zhangzl6758@163.com
张宏伟 Tel:18203678462;E-mail:zhwandlcx123@163.com

收稿日期: 2023-07-13

  网络出版日期: 2024-06-20


* 2022年度河南省中医药科研研究专项(2022ZY2059);公益性行业专项—中药炮制技术传承基地建设(38103021-2022);河南中医药大学2021年度研究生科研创新类立项项目(2021KYCX054)

Fingerprinting and network pharmacology based quality markers of Lilii Bulbus*

  • Henan University of Chinese Medicine, Collaborative Innovation Center of Research and Development on the Whole Industry Chain of Yu-Yao, Henan Province, Henan Engineering Research Center of Chinese Traditional Medicine Special Processing Technology, Henan Engineering Technology Research Center for Integrated Production of Chinese Medicine, Zhengzhou 450046, China

Received date: 2023-07-13

  Online published: 2024-06-20


目的:通过指纹图谱、多成分含量测定和网络药理学对百合质量标志物进行分析,为确定百合饮片的质量标志物提供依据。方法:采用HPLC法建立15批百合饮片的指纹图谱,对共有峰进行化学计量学分析,筛选出差异成分;对差异成分进行多成分含量测定,比较不同产地的区别,基于网络药理学分析百合差异成分发挥抗抑郁药效的主要途径,并将差异成分进行体外细胞抗抑郁实验,最后基于质量标志物筛选原则分析百合饮片的Q-Marker。结果:15批百合饮片确定了16个共有峰,相似度均>0.931,指认了其中7个共有峰,利用化学计量学筛选出4个差异成分;测定15批百合饮片中王百合苷A、王百合苷B、王百合苷C 3个成分的含量;网络药理学研究发现差异成分可能通过TNF、GAPDH、MAPK3等靶点调节氧化应激反应,保护神经元突触结构,促进单胺类神经递质含量增加等途径来发挥抗抑郁作用;细胞实验结果显示,与模型组相比,百合提取物低、中、高剂量组细胞活力显著提高(P<0.01),王百合苷A、王百合苷B、王百合苷C低、中、高剂量组细胞活力显著提高(P<0.01)。结论:通过指纹图谱和网络药理学研究,建议将王百合苷A、王百合苷B、王百合苷C作为百合饮片的质量标志物,可为百合质量控制和药效研究提供参考。


赵永琪, 张宏伟, 张振凌, 李雅静, 王一鸣 . 基于指纹图谱及网络药理学的百合质量标志物研究*[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2024 , 44(5) : 893 -902 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2024.05.18


Objective: To provide a basis for determining the quality markers(Q-Marker) of Lilii Bulbus decoction prepared slices by analyzing the Q-Marker of Lilii Bulbus by fingerprint, multi-component content determination and network pharmacology. Methods: The fingerprints of 15 batches of Lilii Bulbus prepared slices were established by HPLC, and the common peaks were analyzed chemometrically to screen out the differential components. The contents of the differential components were determined to compare the differences between samples from different habitats. The main pathways through which the differential components of Lilii Bulbus exert their antidepressant effects were analyzed based on network pharmacology, and the differential components were subjected to in vitro cellular antidepressant assays, and finally the Q-Markers of Lilii Bulbus prepared slices were analyzed based on the principle of quality marker screening. Results: Sixteen common peaks were identified in the 15 batches of Lilii Bulbus extracts, all with similarities above 0.931, 7 of which were identified and 4 differential components were screened using chemometrics. The content of the components of regaloside A, regaloside B, and regaloside C were determined in the 15 batches of Lilii Bulbus extracts, and the network pharmacological study revealed that the differential components might exert their antidepressant effects through the targets of TNF, GAPDH and MAPK3, regulating. The results of cellular experiments showed that compared with the model group, the cellular viability of the low, medium and high dose groups of Lilii Bulbus extract was significantly increased (P<0.01), and the cellular viability of the low, medium and high dose groups of regaloside A, regaloside B, and regaloside C was significantly increased (P<0.01). Conclusion: The fingerprinting and network pharmacology studies suggested that regaloside A, regaloside B, and regaloside C as quality markers of Lilii Bulbus prepared slices, which can provide reference for Lilii Bulbus quality control and pharmacological efficacy studies.


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