目的: 利用转基因细胞法建立重组人促卵泡激素Fc融合蛋白(rhFSH-Fc)生物学活性检测方法。方法:利用CHO-K1-FSHR-CRE-Luc转基因细胞,按一定细胞密度种板,培养16~20 h后吸弃培养基,将rhFSH-Fc倍比稀释加入细胞板,药物作用一段时间后加入荧光素酶检测试剂,通过荧光素酶检测系统对rhFSH-Fc进行生物性活性检测,并对各试验条件参数优化及进行方法学验证。结果:rhFSH-Fc在该方法中存在量效关系且符合四参数曲线方程,R2大于0.99;方法优化后确定细胞种板密度为5×105 个·mL-1,rhFSH-Fc稀释起始浓度为750 ng·mL-1,1∶5倍的稀释倍数,诱导时间为4 h,样品稀释液为DMEM/F12K+10%FBS。该方法具有良好的专属性,9次独立日间、日内精密度检测RSD均小于5%,5个不同稀释组回收率样本经6次测定,相对效价分别为(51±2.00)%、(78±2.05)%、(94±2.23)%、(124±3.46)%、(141±4.45)%;对应回收率平均值分别为(101±3.94)%、(104±3.00)%、(94±2.24)%、(99±2.68)%、(94±3.03)%,RSD均小于4%。结论:本研究利用转基因细胞成功建立rhFSH-Fc生物学活性测定方法,该方法操作简便,重复性好,准确性高,可用于rhFSH-Fc产品的常规检测。
孙爽, 王绿音, 李晶, 吕萍, 徐可铮, 梁誉龄, 张慧, 李湛军, 梁成罡
. 基于报告基因的重组人促卵泡激素Fc融合蛋白生物学活性测定方法研究*[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2022
, 42(1)
: 60
DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2022.01.07
Objective: To establish a method to detect the biological activity of recombinant human follicle stimulating hormone Fc fusion protein(rhFSH-Fc) by transgenic cell method. Methods: Using CHO-K1-FSHR-CRE-Luc transgenic cells to seed the plate at a certain cell density. After the strain was cultured for 16-20 h, the medium was abandoned, and rhFSH-Fc was diluted in a multiple and added to the cell plate. After the drug acted for a period of time, the lucifase detection reagent was added, and the biological activity of rhFSH-Fc was detected through the lucifase detection system, and the parameters of each test condition were optimized and the methodology was verified. Results: rhFSH-Fc has a dose-effect relationship in this method and conforms to the four-parameter curve equation, R2 was greater than 0.99; after the method was optimized, the cell seed plate density was determined to be 5×105 cells·mL-1, and the initial dilution concentration of rhFSH-Fc was 750 ng·mL-1, at 1:5 times dilution factor, induction time was 4 h, sample dilution was DMEM/F12K+10% FBS. The method has good specificity. The RSD of the precision test within the day was less than 5% in 9 independent days. The recovery samples of 5 different dilution groups were measured 6 times, and the relative titers were (51±2.00)%, (78±2.05)%, (94±2.23)%, (124±3.46)% and (141±4.45)%. The corresponding average recoveries were(101±3.94)%, (104±3.00)%, (94±2.24)%, (99±2.68)%and (94±3.03)%, RSD were all less than 4%. Conclusion: The biological activity assay of rhFSH-Fc was successfully established by transgenic cells.The method is simple, reproducible and accurate. It could be used for routine detection of rhFSH-Fc products.
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