目的:建立蒲公英药材的超高效液相色谱(UPLC)指纹图谱,并同时测定蒲公英中咖啡酸 、芦丁、伞形花内酯、木犀草苷、菊苣酸、槲皮素 、芹菜素、山柰酚、香叶木素、芫花素10个成分的含量。方法:采用Waters T3 C18色谱柱(100 mm×2.1 mm, 1.7 μm),以乙腈-0.4%磷酸水溶液为流动相,梯度洗脱,采用中药色谱指纹图谱相似度评价软件建立15批蒲公英药材指纹图谱。使用SPSS 26.0软件和SIMCA14.1软件进行聚类分析(CA)、主成分分析(PCA)、正交偏最小二乘判别分析(OPLS-DA)等化学计量方法对蒲公英进行质量评价。结果:15批蒲公英药材UPLC指纹图谱共确定23个共有峰,指认了11个成分,测定了10个活性成分含量(咖啡酸、芦丁、伞形花内酯、木犀草苷、菊苣酸、槲皮素、芹菜素、山柰酚、香叶木素、芫花素的含量分别为0.11~0.60、3.47~18.02 、3.46~14.60、0.23~0.32、6.98~8.68、2.19~7.17、0.29~1.03、0.60~0.87、0.17~1.25、0.05~0.23 mg·g-1)。10个成分在各自范围内线性关系良好(r≥0.999),平均加样回收率为91.7%~96.3%,RSD为<1.9%。结论:该方法简便易行,准确度高,重复性好,可为蒲公英药材的内在质量评价提供参考。
Objective: To establish the UPLC fingerprint of Taraxaci Herba, and to determine the contents of ten active ingredients (caffeic acid, rutin, umbelliferone, luteolin-7-O-glucoside, cichoric acid, quercetin, apigenin, kaempferol, diosmetin and genkwanin). Methods: The chromatographic separation was performed on a Waters T3 C18 column (100 mm×2.1 mm, 1.7 μm). Acetonitrile-0.4% orthophosphoric acid aqueous solution was used as mobile phase for gradient elution, and fingerprints of 15 batches of Taraxaci Herba were established by using traditional Chinese medicine chromatographic fingerprint similarity evaluation software. The quality of Taraxaci Herba was evaluated by clustering analysis (CA), principal component analysis (PCA), orthogonal partial least squares discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) and other stoichiometric methods. Results: The results showed that the UPLC fingerprint of Taraxaci Herba was established with 23 common peaks and 11 identified components. The content of 10 active components were determined (caffeic acid 0.11-0.60 mg·g-1, rutin 3.47-18.02 mg·g-1, umbelliferone 3.46-14.60 mg·g-1, luteolin-7-O-glucoside 0.23-0.32 mg·g-1, cichoric acid 6.98-8.68 mg·g-1, quercetin 2.19-7.17 mg·g-1, apigenin 0.29-1.03 mg·g-1, kaempferol 0.60-0.87 mg·g-1, diosmetin 0.17-1.25 mg·g-1, genkwanin 0.05-0.23 mg·g-1). The linear relationship of 10 components in their respective ranges was good (r≥0.999), and the average recoveries were in the range of 91.7%-96.3% (RSD<1.9%). Conclusion: Established UPLC fingerprint of Taraxaci Herba and the determination method for the 10 components are simple and easy with high precision and good repeatability, which provides a reference for the internal quality evaluation of Taraxaci Herba.
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