

  • 上海市食品药品包装材料测试所,上海 201203
第一作者 Tel:(021)50798235; E-mail:zhangfangfang@shpmcc.com
** Tel:(021)38839700;E-mail:yaolin@shpmcc.com

修回日期: 2023-08-08

  网络出版日期: 2024-06-21


* 国家药典委药包材密封性完整性指导原则课题项目(2019Y04)

Correlation analysis of mass extraction method and microbiological ingress method for determination of package integrity of injection vials for drug packaging*

  • Shanghai Food and Drug Packaging Material Control Center, Shanghai 201203, China

Revised date: 2023-08-08

  Online published: 2024-06-21


目的:建立质量提取法与微生物挑战法测试西林瓶包装系统密封性,并进行关联比较。方法:质量提取法使用不同孔径激光打孔阳性样品进行了线性、阳性率灵敏度与定量限的测试。微生物挑战法通过将不同孔径打孔样品倒置浸入铜绿假单胞菌悬液内,加压至并浸泡后培养,统计分析孔径与阳性率的关系。结果:质量提取法的灵敏度优于概率性方法微生物挑战法,质量提取法的阳性率灵敏度为0.2 μm,微生物挑战法的阳性率灵敏度为3 μm;3 μm激光打孔西林瓶样品的质量流量值为19.1 μg·min-1。质量流量值与微生物阳性率的相关系数为0.98。结论:本文建立的关联比较分析方法,能够有效地比较微生物挑法和质量提取法测定该西林瓶包装系统密封性。


张芳芳, 咸富荣, 姚琳 . 质量提取法和微生物挑战法测定药品包装用西林瓶密封性的关联分析*[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2023 , 43(11) : 1920 -1924 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2023.11.15


Objective: To establish a correlation between mass extraction method and microbial ingress method in testing the package integrity of vial packaging system. Methods: The mass extraction method used different laser-driven micro-holes samples to test the linearity, the positive rate sensitivity and the limit of quantitation. In microbiological expression method, the treated laser-drilled micro-holes samples were immersed upside down into the suspension of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. After pressurization and immersion, the samples were taken out and cultured. Results: The sensitivity of mass extraction method was better than that of microbial challenge method. The positive rate sensitivity of the mass extraction method was 0.2 μm, and the positive rate sensitivity of the microbial ingress method was 0.3 μm. The mass flow of the vial sample with 3 μm microhole was 19.1 μg·min-1. The correlation coefficient between mass flow and positive probability of microbial ingress were 0.98. Conclusion: The correlation analysis method established in this paper could effectively test the package integrity of the vials.


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