目的: 建立使用新型台式核磁共振仪测定替比夫定含量的方法。方法: 使用台式核磁共振仪,以1,4-二硝基苯为内标,氘代二甲亚砜为溶剂进行氢核磁共振定量测定,通过比较替比夫定样品响应信号与内标响应信号面积,计算替比夫定的含量,并进行方法学验证。结果: 替比夫定在10 ~120 mmol·L-1范围内线性关系良好,精密度RSD=1.2%(n=5),重复性RSD=0.35%(n=5)。氢核磁共振定量测定结果为99.0%,与质量平衡法结果(99.6%)基本一致。结论: 台式核磁共振仪体积小,容易操作,可以用于测定替比夫定的含量,加强药品质量控制。
Objective: To establish a method for the determination of telbivudine assay by benchtop nuclear magnetic spectrometer. Methods: The 1H quantitative nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-qNMR) spectrum was determined using 1,4-dinitrobenzene as the internal standard and deuterateddimethyl sulfoxide as the solvent on a benchtop nuclear magnetic spectrometer. The assay of telbivudine was calculated by comparing the response signal of sample and internal standard. Themethod validation was accomplished. Results: The linear regression of telbivudine in the range of 10-120 mmol·L-1 was good, the RSD of injection precision was 1.2% (n=5), and the reproducible RSD was 0.35% (n=5). The result from1H-qNMR was 99.0% and was consistent with the result from mass balance method (99.6%). Conclusion: Benchtop nuclear magnetic spectrometeris compact, easy to operate and maintain. It can be used to determine the assay of telbivudine and strength the quality control of chemical drugs.
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