

  • 1.青岛市食品药品检验研究院,青岛 266071;
    2.中国食品药品检定研究院,北京 100050;
    3.青岛市妇女儿童医院,青岛 266011
第一作者 Tel:(0532)58759178;E-mail:yanzhang139@139.com
* Tel:(0532)58759188;E-mail:yangzhaosyy@qd.shandong.cn

修回日期: 2022-06-11

  网络出版日期: 2024-06-24

Improving photostability of nifedipine by cocrystal synthesis

  • 1. Qingdao Institute for Food and Drug Control, Qingdao 266071, China;
    2. National Institutes for Food and Drug Control, Beijing 100050, China;
    3. Qingdao Women and Children's Hospital, Qingdao 266011, China

Revised date: 2022-06-11

  Online published: 2024-06-24


目的:应用共晶技术提高硝苯地平的光稳定性。方法:选择异烟酰胺为共晶形成物与硝苯地平采用溶剂挥发法制备共晶,共晶的组成和结构通过X射线单晶衍射测定,同时通过红外光谱法(IR)、差示扫描量热法(DSC)、热重法(TGA)对共晶进行表征,并考察了共晶的光稳定性。结果:硝苯地平-异烟酰胺共晶结晶于P21/n空间群,不对称单元包含1个硝苯地平分子和1个异烟酰胺分子,通过3种氢键相互相连。稳定性考察试验将硝苯地平和共晶分别在光照条件下放置10 d后,分别与各自0 d的硝苯地平含量相比,硝苯地平含量从97.6%降至10.5%,共晶中硝苯地平含量从96.0%降至61.0%。结论:制备的硝苯地平-异烟酰胺共晶提高了硝苯地平的光稳定性。


张燕, 宁保明, 周星彤, 杨钊, 王尊文 . 通过合成药物共晶改善硝苯地平的光稳定性[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2022 , 42(7) : 1241 -1246 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2022.07.18


Objective: To improve the light stability of nifedipine by cocrystal synthesis. Methods: Isonicotinamide was selected as the cocrystal former to produce cocrystal with nifedipine by solution evaporation. The components and structure of cocrystal were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. Meanwhile, the eutectic was characterized by infrared spectroscopy(IR),differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analyze (TGA). In addition, the stability under illumination conditions of cocrystal was studied. Results: Nifedipine-isonicotinamide cocrystalcrystallized in space group P21/n, and the asymmetric unit consisted of one nifedipine molecule and one isonicotinamide molecule, which were connected by three kinds of H-bond. In the stability test, subsequent to the exposures of nifedipine and cocrystal under the light for 10 d, the contents of nifedipine decreased from 97.6% to 10.5%, while the contents of nifedipine in cocrystal decreased from 96.0% to 61.0%, comparing with initial content. Conclusion: This study reveals that the photostability of nifedipine is significantly improved through the synthesis of cocrystal with isonicotinamide.


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