目的: 建立黄芩配方颗粒微生物限度检查方法,并对方法进行适用性试验。方法: 需氧菌计数法采用薄膜过滤法,冲洗量为每筒400 mL;霉菌、酵母菌计数法为平皿法(玫瑰红钠培养基);大肠埃希菌检查为常规法。结果: 5种试验菌的回收试验结果均在0.5~2.0,大肠埃希菌检查试验组检出大肠埃希菌。结论: 该方法科学可靠,可用于黄芩配方颗粒的微生物限度检查,有效控制该品种质量。
Objective: To establish a microbiological limit test method of Huangqin formula granule and test the applicability of the method. Methods: Membrane filtration method was used for aerobic bacteria count,rinse volume was 400 mL per cartridge. Plate method was used for mold and yeast count,but the culture was rose bengal agar. And control bacteria was checked by normal method. Results: The recovery rates of 5 bacteria were between 0.5-2.0, E. coli ccould be tested in test group. Conclusion: The method is reasonable and reliable,and can effectively control the product quality.
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