

  • 1.澳门大学 中药质量研究国家重点实验室,澳门 999078;
    2.澳门大学 中药糖工程与检测技术联合实验室,澳门 999078;
    3.江西济民可信集团有限公司,南昌 330029
第一作者 Tel:(853)63920204;E-mail:mc05828@um.edu.mo
**李绍平 Tel:(853)88224692;E-mail:spli@um.edu.mo
赵 静 Tel:(853)88224873;E-mail:jingzhao@um.edu.mo

收稿日期: 2023-07-07

  网络出版日期: 2024-06-24


*澳门科学技术发展基金项目(0017/2019/AKP);广东省重点领域研发计划(2020B1111110006);澳门大学科学研究基金项目(MYRG2018-00083-ICMS/MYRG2019-00128-ICMS /CPG2022-00014-ICMS)

Analysis of oligosaccharide components in four kinds of commercial fermented Cordyceps mycelia powder capsules*

  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Quality Research in Chinese Medicine, University of Macau, Macao 999078, China;
    2. Joint Laboratory of Chinese Herbal Glyco-engineering and Testing Technology, University of Macau, Macao 999078, China;
    3. Jiangxi JeMinCare Group Co., Ltd., Nanchang 330029, China

Received date: 2023-07-07

  Online published: 2024-06-24


目的: 研究4种市售发酵虫草菌粉胶囊中的寡糖成分。方法: 首先应用高效薄层色谱(HPTLC)对4种市售发酵虫草菌粉胶囊(百令胶囊、金水宝胶囊、宁心宝胶囊和心肝宝胶囊)寡糖成分进行初步分析,展开剂为正丁醇-异丙醇-乙酸-水(6∶11∶3∶4),显色剂为苯胺-二苯胺-磷酸;再采用HPTLC-MS确定寡糖聚合度,质谱选用正离子模式,质量范围m/z 100~1 500;最后结合淀粉酶酶解-HPTLC分析确定主要糖苷键类型。结果: 4种市售发酵虫草菌粉胶囊中,除宁心宝胶囊外,其他3种发酵虫草菌粉胶囊均基本不含寡糖类成分;HPTLC-MS结果显示,宁心宝胶囊样品HPTLC中Rf=0.53、0.48、0.40、0.32、0.27、0.22和0.18处的条带相对分子质量分别约为342、342、504、666、828、991、1 153,分别对应二糖及二糖至七糖;淀粉酶酶解结果提示:宁心宝胶囊中寡糖主要是α-1,4-葡聚寡糖。结论: 4种市售发酵虫草菌粉胶囊中,仅宁心宝胶囊含相对多的寡糖类成分,且主要为α-1,4-葡聚寡糖,其产生可能与菌种和/或生产工艺有关。


陈芷馨, 朱宝杰, 赵鹏, 杨明, 李绍平, 赵静 . 4种市售发酵虫草菌粉胶囊寡糖成分分析*[J]. 药物分析杂志, 2023 , 43(7) : 1129 -1134 . DOI: 10.16155/j.0254-1793.2023.07.05


Objective: To investigate oligosaccharides in four commercial fermented Cordyceps mycelia powder capsules. Methods: HPTLC was employed for preliminary analysis of oligosaccharides in four commercially available fermented Cordyceps mycelia powder capsules (Bailing capsules, Jinshuibao capsules, Ningxinbao capsules and Xinganbao capsules). TLC developing solvent was 1-butanol-isopropanol-water-acetic acid (6∶11∶3∶4) and colorized with diphenylamine-aniline-phosphoric acid reagent. Then HPTLC-MS was applied to determine the degree of polymerization in positive ion mode with mass range of m/z 100-1 500. Finally, the major glycosidic linkages were determined in combination of amylase digestion and HPTLC analysis. Results: Among the four commercially available fermented Cordyceps mycelia powder capsules, except Ningxinbao capsules, the other three fermented Cordyceps mycelia powder capsules were almost free of oligosaccharides; HPTLC-MS results showed that the molecular mass of the bands at with Rfs of 0.53, 0.48, 0.40, 0.32, 0.27, 0.22 and 0.18 in Ningxinbao capsules were about 342, 342, 504, 666, 828, 991, 1 153, corresponding to disaccharides and disaccharides to heptasaccharides, respectively; the results of amylase digestion suggested that the oligosaccharides in Ningxinbao capsules were mainly α-1,4-gluco-oligosaccharides. Conclusion: Among the four commercially available fermented Cordyceps mycelia powder capsules, only Ningxinbao capsules contain relatively high amount of oligosaccharides, and they are α-1,4-gluco-oligosaccharides, the production of which may be derived from different strains and/or production process.


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